Creamy White Chicken Chili

I love one pot meals, and not just for the obvious reasons-easy cleanup, less prep, warm deliciousness.  No, I love them because I can sneak in a TON of vegetables, and my family devours it without batting an eye.   Creamy white chicken chili is one of those recipes that sounds decadent, and tastes decadent, but, with a little of my easy tricks, won’t break the calorie bank.   

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The ingredients for my white chicken chili speak for themselves.

creamy white chicken chili

Yes, you could dump all of these ingredients in a crockpot and call it a day.  But what makes this recipe magical is the development and layering of flavor.  Like so-

Chop one green pepper, two carrots, two celery stalks, one onion and three small garlic cloves.  Sprinkle the chicken breast on both sides with seasoned salt.  Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium high heat. Add the chicken breast and brown for two minutes per side.  The chicken WILL NOT be cooked through.  You just want to develop a nice, flavorful crust on the outside.

chicken chiliNow that is some flavor!

Add the chopped fresh veggies, except for the garlic, to the same hot pot along with 2 teaspoons cumin, 2 teaspoons oregano, and a pinch of cayenne.  Season with salt and pepper and sauté for 5 minutes until the veggies soften.

vegetables for chicken chiliThen add the garlic, and stir for one minute.  If you add the minced garlic too soon, you may burn it.  And that’s really gross.

Now, pour in two cups of chicken stock and two 4 oz cans of diced green chiles.  Return the seared chicken to the pot as well.  Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer stirring occasionally until the chicken almost falls apart, around 30-45 minutes.

Searing and then poaching the chicken gives the chili yummy browned chicken flavor with melt in your mouth chicken meat.  It’s the best of both worlds!

Now, pull the chicken out of the chili, and shred it as finally as you can.

Mashed Great Northern Beans for Chicken ChiliThen open and drain one can of great northern beans, I prefer reduced sodium whenever I can find it, and give them a good rinse.  Put them in a bowl and mash them with the back of a fork until your hand hurts.  This is one of the ingredients that is going to give your chili that thick, silky tongue feel.

Add the beans and chicken to the pot, crank the heat to medium high, and cook for 15-20 minutes until the chili thickens.  Up until this point, the chili had enough liquid in it that you didn’t have to worry about burning anything.  Now with the addition of the mashed beans you do have to worry.  Have you ever eaten scorched beans?  I have at a church pot luck, and I will never forget it.  Double groddy gross.  So, for the next 15-20 minutes, stir baby stir.  Don’t leave the chili alone for more than 3-5 minutes.

Now you may be wondering if its so easy to scorch the chili, why are we cooking the heck out of it at such a high temperature?  Well, good question.  This part of the procedure not only thickens the chili, but the heat and constant stirring breaks the shredded chicken down even more, making the chicken, vegetables, stock and beans one.  So the end result is delicious bites of chili, not delicious chicken bites, and then delicious bean bites, and then delicious vegetable bites.  Just trust me on this.

Now for the grand finale.  Once everything is thickened and broken down to your liking, add the last can of drained and rinsed northern beans, and half an 8-ounce brick of cream cheese.  Stir until the cheese is melted and everything is heated through.  Season with salt and pepper as needed.

chicken chili with cilantro

Ladle into large bowls and serve with greek yogurt (or sour cream), corn chips, and cilantro.  Creamy white chicken chili – a big warm hug in a bowl!


Creamy White Chicken Chili
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Creamy white chicken chili is one of those recipes that sounds decadent, and tastes decadent, but, with a little of my easy tricks, won't break the calorie bank.
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: American
Serves: 6 large bowls
  • Olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 large green bell pepper, chopped
  • 2 small carrots, chopped
  • 2 ribs of celery, chopped
  • 3 small cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts, around 1.5 lbs
  • 2 cups chicken stock, reduced sodium preferred
  • 2 4-oz cans diced green chiles
  • 2 cans great northern beans, reduced sodium preferred, drained and rinsed
  • Seasoned salt for chicken breasts
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 2 tsp dried oregano
  • Pinch cayenne pepper
  • 4 oz cream cheese, reduced fat preferred
  • Corn chips, Greek yogurt (or sour cream), and cilantro for serving
  1. Season the chicken breasts with seasoned salt.
  2. Add olive oil to a large pot over medium high heat. Brown the chicken breasts for 2 minutes per side. The chicken will not be cooked through.
  3. Add the chopped onion, carrot, celery and pepper to the pan along with the cumin, oregano, and cayenne. Season with salt & pepper and sauté for 5 minutes or until softened.
  4. Add the garlic and stir for one minute.
  5. Return the chicken to the pot along with the stock and chiles. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 30-45 minutes, or until the chicken is falling apart.
  6. Shred the chicken.
  7. Mash one can of rinsed and drained beans with the back of a fork. Add the chicken and mashed beans back to the pot. Increase the heat to medium high and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring almost constantly, until the chicken is broken down.
  8. Add the last can of beans and the cream cheese to the pot. Stir until the cheese is melted and the beans are heated through.
  9. Serve the chili topped with greek yogurt, corn chips, and cilantro.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 bowl Calories: 482 Fat: 13 Saturated fat: 3 Unsaturated fat: 3 Trans fat: 0 Carbohydrates: 36 Sugar: 4 Sodium: 656 Fiber: 8 Protein: 51 Cholesterol: 12


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  3. 10日 – ポーランド大統領選挙(英語版)投票日。 マクロン大統領の与党共和国前進を離党した議員ら17人が新会派エコロジー民主連帯(英語版)を結成。 タイシ(英語版)保健大臣が辞任。北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長は、中央委員会政治局会議にて、金才龍内閣総理(首相)を解任し、金徳訓党副委員長を後任に任命。 ペルー最高裁判所は、不正資金疑惑で予防勾留されている最大野党・

  4. 4月27日に従道は駐厦門領事福島九成に清の閩浙総督李鶴年に宛てた書簡を届けさせた。 しかし日本の台湾出兵の動きを察知した米英政府から台湾は清国領とする抗議があり、これが日本政府をひるませた。地租改正は江戸時代の年貢制度を抜本的に改革するものとなったが、導入への抵抗はほとんど見られず、比較的スムーズに移行された。仍テ之ヲ改正セント欲シ乃チ所司ノ群議ヲ採リ、地方官ノ衆論ヲ盡シ、更ニ内閣諸臣卜辨論裁定シ、之ヲ公平畫一ニ歸セシメ地租改正法をヲ頒布ス。

  5. 3月29日:栃木市、下都賀郡大平町、同郡藤岡町、同郡都賀町の1市3町が新設合併し、新栃木市となる。 2006年(平成18年)4月1日:栃木県立栃木南高等学校と栃木県立藤岡高等学校が統合され、栃木県立栃木翔南高等学校が開校する。

  6. 第二次世界大戦中の1939年には西北大学で女子サッカー大会が開催された。戦後、1950年代に当時イギリス領であった香港で女子サッカーが盛んになり、1960年代半ばには女子サッカークラブが結成されるようになった。川淵の宣言より6年、なでしこvisionに先立つこと4年で、男女を通じて初の「世界一」を達成した。川淵三郎は「2030年までに女子ワールドカップを日本で開催し、その年までに世界一にする」と宣言。日本女子サッカーにおける初の国際試合は、1977年に台湾で開催された第2回AFCアジア女子選手権へのFCジンナンの出場である。以後長らく日本女子サッカーリーグ(なでしこリーグ)を頂点とするリーグ体系が維持されてきたが、女子サッカーについてもプロリーグの設立を求める意見が多くなってきたことから、2021年に新たにプロリーグとしてWEリーグが発足し、なでしこリーグはアマチュアリーグとなる(男子サッカーにおけるJリーグとJFLのような関係)。

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  8. 2010年7月9日発売。 2010年10月発売。 2010年秋モデル(8世代・ 2011年春モデル(9世代・産経ニュース.
    2020年10月14日閲覧。 マイナビニュース.

    マイナビ. 9 March 2015. 2015年3月14日閲覧。 ORLOVA, Maria (23 March 2020).
    “Two more coronavirus cases registered in Kyrgyzstan”.横浜市瀬谷区五貫目町の境界点からは国境は境川から離れ、町田市鶴間・ そして三木の政治理念として、1960年(昭和35年)の安保改定闘争後の保守政治の改革方法を巡って現れた、岸信介の系統である福田赳夫に代表される権威派、池田勇人やそのブレーンであった大平正芳や宮沢喜一に代表される経済成長優先派と並んで、石橋湛山の系列を引き継ぐ福祉国家派であったとする見方もある。

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