Pumpkin Sausage Pasta with Mushrooms

From the time the leaves begin to change,  this recipe is put on the regular dinner rotation in our house.  And without fail, as my family sits silently gobbling it up, my husband will pause for a second and say ‘You know, this is one of my favorites.’  It’s one of my favorites too.  It’s creamy (without using cream!) and comforting with a hint of warm fall spices.  The fact that I can have it on the table in less than an hour is just an added benefit.  

The mushrooms in this Pumpkin Sausage Pasta recipe are optional, but I encourage you to try them.  When cooked properly, and I’ll show you how, sautéed mushrooms can almost taste like bacon…bacon that’s full of vitamins and won’t clog your arteries!  There’s not many used in this recipe, but they give the dish an added depth of flavor that you can’t get anywhere else.

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pumpkin pasta ingredients

Notice, aside from the spicy Italian chicken sausage and the mushrooms, these ingredients are things you probably already have on hand.  I keep sausage in my freezer at all times, and the shallots last for-e-ver in my pantry, so the only ingredient you may need a special trip to the grocery store for is the mushrooms.

Pumpkin pasta with shallots

Dice up a shallot like so, just like you would an onion.

mushrooms for pumpkin pasta

Then grab a friend and ask them to chop up some mushrooms any way they like.

Oh my word, look at those tiny little angel hands!  My heart be still… :sigh:

Pumpkin pasta with sausage

In a large saute pan over medium to medium high heat, brown the sausage (casings removed) until no longer pink in a little olive oil.  Then add the shallots, and cook, stirring occasionally for 2-3 minutes.

spices for pumpkin pasta

Now, add the bay leaf, sage, and garlic.  Cook for one minute until the garlic is fragrant.  Well, hello there Mr. Sausage Face!

And yes, if you must know, I use bottled minced garlic in the fall and winter.  In the spring and summer, there is nothing like chopping a big fresh, maybe/hopefully purple skinned, clove of garlic.  But I will not waste my time battling with the skin of four tiny cloves of winter garlic, just so I can get the equivalent of one clove.  I will not do it.  And guess what, no one knows except me.  And now you.  So, keep it to yourself please.

Moving on- add the wine to the pan, and let it reduce for 2-3 minutes.  Then add the pumpkin, chicken stock and milk, season with salt, pepper, cinnamon, and nutmeg, then stir to combine.

Pumpkin Pasta Sauce

Oh. My. Goodness.  Does that not look divine?  My little girl says, ‘momma, this tastes just like mac and cheese!’  It does not.  It tastes waaaay better than mac and cheese, but it is a beautiful, lovely orange, and to her, orange=mac and cheese.

So, this is your pumpkin pasta sauce.  Now, you could just allow this to simmer for 10-15 minutes while you cook up any type of pasta that you like.  But we want that extra layer of flavor, so let’s saute some mushrooms!

how to saute mushrooms

Add a tablespoon of butter to a saute pan over medium high heat.  Once the butter is melted, add the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally.

There are many people that say to wait until the mushrooms are browned before you add salt, as salt draws the liquid out of the mushrooms.  I say, this is hogwash.  The mushrooms cannot begin to brown until the liquid is pulled from them, so season in the beginning and you’ll have perfectly brown mushrooms in half the time.

As the mushrooms cook, a good amount of liquid will appear in the pan.  Keep cooking.  Finally, all of the liquid will evaporate.  Keep cooking.  Do not stop cooking the mushrooms until they are a deep golden brown.  If the mushrooms are limp and grey, they have not been cooked long enough.  I wholeheartedly believe this is why so many people claim to hate mushrooms.  They are one of the simplest vegetables to cook, but you have to cook them until they are deeply browned.  Don’t stop too soon!  Limp, grey mushrooms are gross.  I wouldn’t want to eat them either!

I’ve read that you ‘cannot burn mushrooms.’  Well, I would not go as far to say that, but I will say, fear not.  You will know when they are ready.  Think bacon.  You want the mushrooms to be the color of perfectly crisp bacon.

perfectly cooked mushrooms

Quite a transformation, right?  I have to hide these from my husband, or he will nibble on them until there are none left.  Come to think of it, he does the same thing with bacon…coincidence?  Make these mushrooms, and then you decide!

trotolle with pumpkin sauce

Combine the pasta, pumpkin sausage sauce, and mushrooms, season with salt and pepper as needed, and let simmer on low heat for a minute or two so the pasta can absorb some of the flavor from the sauce.  We really like the texture of trotolle pasta in this dish, but any kind of short cut pasta will do.

Pumpkin Sausage Pasta

Pile into pasta bowls and garnish with chopped fresh parsley and grated parmesan.

Nothing hits the spot after a long day like this dish.  Ready in less than an hour, its fancy enough for company, and comforting enough to eat on the couch in your PJs.  You do you.

Just do yourself a favor, and make this pasta!  Make it one time, and I bet it will be on your dinner rotation as well.

Pumpkin Sausage Pasta with Mushrooms
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
The mushrooms in this Pumpkin Sausage Pasta recipe are optional, but I encourage you to try them. When cooked properly, sautéed mushrooms can almost taste like bacon...bacon that's full of vitamins and won't clog your arteries! There's not many used in this recipe, but they give the dish an added depth of flavor that you can't get anywhere else.
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Italian
Serves: 4
  • 1 lb Hot Italian Chicken Sausage, casings removed
  • 2 shallots, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 tsp rubbed sage
  • 1 cup white wine, such as sauvignon blanc
  • 1 cup no salt added chicken stock
  • 1 can pumpkin puree
  • ½ cup milk
  • ⅛ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • 8 oz baby bella mushrooms, sliced
  • 16 oz trotolle pasta, or any short cut pasta
  • Parmesan and fresh parsley for garnish
  1. In a large saute pan over medium high heat, brown the sausage in a little olive oil until cooked through.
  2. Add the shallots to the pan and saute for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add the bay leaf, sage and garlic to the pan. Cook for one minute.
  4. Pour in the wine, and allow to reduce by half, around 5 minutes.
  5. Pour in the stock, pumpkin, milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Season with salt and pepper. Stir to combine and simmer over medium low heat while you cook the mushrooms and pasta.
  6. In a separate saute pan over medium high heat, add one tablespoon of butter and the mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Cook the mushrooms until the liquid has been extracted and evaporated, and the mushrooms are a deep golden brown.
  8. Cook the pasta to al dente according to the package instructions.
  9. Combine the pasta, pumpkin sauce, and mushrooms in the pasta pot and simmer over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper as needed.
  10. Garnish with grated parmesan and chopped fresh parsley.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 Calories: 503 Fat: 16 Saturated fat: 4 Unsaturated fat: 3 Trans fat: 0 Carbohydrates: 29 Sugar: 9 Sodium: 90 Fiber: 6 Protein: 26 Cholesterol: 55



  1. という記述があり、信長命名以前に、岐阜という地名が確認できないことが分かる。 『歴代古案』、織田信長の書状に、(永錄七年)仍先月濃州相働、井口近所取出。濃州志略、国立公文書館所蔵)にも信長命名とあり、長瀬寛二『岐阜志略』(1885年)が『安土創業録』の記述を引用して信長が初めて岐阜と命名したとしている。 “気象庁|予報用語 地域名”.

  2. 系図水津本を有してゐたのは此官蔵の女(ぢよ)である。敷地内には、津軽の食材を使ったメニューなどが味わえるレストランもあります。地元産フルーツを使ったソフトクリームや打ち立ての蕎麦、馬肉ラーメンなど、ご当地グルメもしっかりと満喫できますよ。 あんまり不思議なので上衣のポケットに両手を突込んでみると、右手には新しい四ツ折のハンカチと鼻紙、左手には幾何(いくら)這入っているかわからないが、滑(やわ)らかに膨らんだ小さな蟇口(がまぐち)が触(さわ)った。岸上明彦「天下の嶮に挑む箱根登山鉄道」『鉄道ピクトリアル』第532号、電気車研究会、1990年9月、41-45頁。玄米そばが食べられる「立ち食いそば処

  3. 江戸時代は日光街道の宿場町(粕壁宿)であった。 それを横網町の下宿に舎(やど)らせるのが気の毒でならない。 「みちのくのハリウッド」ことえさし藤原の郷の看板が道沿いに頻発したため気になり立ち寄ったものの、郷土芸能の踊りが15分続くと聞かされた時の「えー15分もみたいな」リアクションが失礼だと出川が鈴木の襟首をつかんで突っ込んだ。火山島や海底火山の噴火活動により噴出物や溶岩流などで海が埋まり、陸続きになったもの。 どうして彼がそんな想像を胸に描いて見るかというに、あの東山道軍が江戸をさして街道を進んで来た維新のはじめの際、どんな社会の変革でも人民の支持なしに成(な)し就(と)げられたためしのないように、新政府としては何よりもまず人民の厚い信頼に待たねばならないとして、東山道総督の執事がそのために幾度も布告を発し、堅く民意の尊重を約束したころは、そんな磐戸はまだ存在しなかったからであった。

  4. “九州大学附属図書館所蔵「アジア図2」-9”.日本地形学連合
    編『地形の辞典』朝倉書店、2017年、40頁。日本では堆積作用が強く陸地化が速く進むので、現在見られるものは小規模である。 「廿三日八つ比(ごろ)に、何かとあとの所もよくよく申、此方なくなり候ても、何もかはり候事はなく、とんと/\此儘にて、此所地(ぢ)かりゆゑ、家は此方家ゆゑ、ほそ/″\に取つゞき、二人の子ども、京にて頼二けん立て候やう、夫(それ)をたのしみ(に)致すべくと申、かつゑぬやうにいたし置、又二郎三木三郎、内に置候へばやくにたゝずになり候ゆゑ、はん料出し候ても、外へ遣し候やう申置候。

  5. 見送の人々は勝三郎の姉ふさ、いそ、てる、勝久、勝ふみ、藤二郎(とうじろう)、それに師匠の家にいる兼(かね)さんという男、上総屋(かずさや)の親方、以上八人であった。
    しかも、auじぶん銀行カードローンの借り換えプランはau ID保持者であれば年最大-0.5%の金利優遇を受けることが可能となっており、適用金利が年0.98~年12.5%になるのでこれ以上の金利で借入をしている人であれば、借り換えを利用するのがおすすめです。 1889年(明治22年)10月1日
    – 町村制施行により岡田村・ 2週間後の試合に向けて浜田とガチンコ対決!

  6. 日立市十王町友部・ この手記では、日本側の捕虜に対する対応が行き届いていたとする証言や、日本軍による連合軍捕虜虐待行為に対し(オランダ人による植民地住民に対する蛮行や、東京大空襲などの連合軍による国際法違反行為を例に出して)、心情に理解を示す記述が多く、本国オランダでの出版は出来ないでいた。日本は国土面積が小さいため地下資源の賦存量は総量で見れば少ない。 ITmedia.

  7. 子供の理科離れを防ぐための制度で、教師と一緒に魅力ある授業を作るのが仕事で、科学者として全国の小中学校へ派遣され”先生”となって働いていると、科捜研のメンバーが呂太の近況を話している。
    S22第1話で科捜研を退職し、小学校時代の恩師の推薦により文部科学省の科学教育官になったことが明かされた。 2014年1月後半より、抗議者の中に右派セクターなどの武力抵抗を辞さないとする立場のグループが現れ、これを制圧しようとする治安部隊との衝突が発生、双方に死者が発生した。南部では牛島が700年代から牛の放牧地とされていた他はおおむね湿地帯であり、人が住むには極めて向かない土地であった。

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