Pumpkin Sausage Pasta with Mushrooms

From the time the leaves begin to change,  this recipe is put on the regular dinner rotation in our house.  And without fail, as my family sits silently gobbling it up, my husband will pause for a second and say ‘You know, this is one of my favorites.’  It’s one of my favorites too.  It’s creamy (without using cream!) and comforting with a hint of warm fall spices.  The fact that I can have it on the table in less than an hour is just an added benefit.  

The mushrooms in this Pumpkin Sausage Pasta recipe are optional, but I encourage you to try them.  When cooked properly, and I’ll show you how, sautéed mushrooms can almost taste like bacon…bacon that’s full of vitamins and won’t clog your arteries!  There’s not many used in this recipe, but they give the dish an added depth of flavor that you can’t get anywhere else.

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pumpkin pasta ingredients

Notice, aside from the spicy Italian chicken sausage and the mushrooms, these ingredients are things you probably already have on hand.  I keep sausage in my freezer at all times, and the shallots last for-e-ver in my pantry, so the only ingredient you may need a special trip to the grocery store for is the mushrooms.

Pumpkin pasta with shallots

Dice up a shallot like so, just like you would an onion.

mushrooms for pumpkin pasta

Then grab a friend and ask them to chop up some mushrooms any way they like.

Oh my word, look at those tiny little angel hands!  My heart be still… :sigh:

Pumpkin pasta with sausage

In a large saute pan over medium to medium high heat, brown the sausage (casings removed) until no longer pink in a little olive oil.  Then add the shallots, and cook, stirring occasionally for 2-3 minutes.

spices for pumpkin pasta

Now, add the bay leaf, sage, and garlic.  Cook for one minute until the garlic is fragrant.  Well, hello there Mr. Sausage Face!

And yes, if you must know, I use bottled minced garlic in the fall and winter.  In the spring and summer, there is nothing like chopping a big fresh, maybe/hopefully purple skinned, clove of garlic.  But I will not waste my time battling with the skin of four tiny cloves of winter garlic, just so I can get the equivalent of one clove.  I will not do it.  And guess what, no one knows except me.  And now you.  So, keep it to yourself please.

Moving on- add the wine to the pan, and let it reduce for 2-3 minutes.  Then add the pumpkin, chicken stock and milk, season with salt, pepper, cinnamon, and nutmeg, then stir to combine.

Pumpkin Pasta Sauce

Oh. My. Goodness.  Does that not look divine?  My little girl says, ‘momma, this tastes just like mac and cheese!’  It does not.  It tastes waaaay better than mac and cheese, but it is a beautiful, lovely orange, and to her, orange=mac and cheese.

So, this is your pumpkin pasta sauce.  Now, you could just allow this to simmer for 10-15 minutes while you cook up any type of pasta that you like.  But we want that extra layer of flavor, so let’s saute some mushrooms!

how to saute mushrooms

Add a tablespoon of butter to a saute pan over medium high heat.  Once the butter is melted, add the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally.

There are many people that say to wait until the mushrooms are browned before you add salt, as salt draws the liquid out of the mushrooms.  I say, this is hogwash.  The mushrooms cannot begin to brown until the liquid is pulled from them, so season in the beginning and you’ll have perfectly brown mushrooms in half the time.

As the mushrooms cook, a good amount of liquid will appear in the pan.  Keep cooking.  Finally, all of the liquid will evaporate.  Keep cooking.  Do not stop cooking the mushrooms until they are a deep golden brown.  If the mushrooms are limp and grey, they have not been cooked long enough.  I wholeheartedly believe this is why so many people claim to hate mushrooms.  They are one of the simplest vegetables to cook, but you have to cook them until they are deeply browned.  Don’t stop too soon!  Limp, grey mushrooms are gross.  I wouldn’t want to eat them either!

I’ve read that you ‘cannot burn mushrooms.’  Well, I would not go as far to say that, but I will say, fear not.  You will know when they are ready.  Think bacon.  You want the mushrooms to be the color of perfectly crisp bacon.

perfectly cooked mushrooms

Quite a transformation, right?  I have to hide these from my husband, or he will nibble on them until there are none left.  Come to think of it, he does the same thing with bacon…coincidence?  Make these mushrooms, and then you decide!

trotolle with pumpkin sauce

Combine the pasta, pumpkin sausage sauce, and mushrooms, season with salt and pepper as needed, and let simmer on low heat for a minute or two so the pasta can absorb some of the flavor from the sauce.  We really like the texture of trotolle pasta in this dish, but any kind of short cut pasta will do.

Pumpkin Sausage Pasta

Pile into pasta bowls and garnish with chopped fresh parsley and grated parmesan.

Nothing hits the spot after a long day like this dish.  Ready in less than an hour, its fancy enough for company, and comforting enough to eat on the couch in your PJs.  You do you.

Just do yourself a favor, and make this pasta!  Make it one time, and I bet it will be on your dinner rotation as well.

Pumpkin Sausage Pasta with Mushrooms
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
The mushrooms in this Pumpkin Sausage Pasta recipe are optional, but I encourage you to try them. When cooked properly, sautéed mushrooms can almost taste like bacon...bacon that's full of vitamins and won't clog your arteries! There's not many used in this recipe, but they give the dish an added depth of flavor that you can't get anywhere else.
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Italian
Serves: 4
  • 1 lb Hot Italian Chicken Sausage, casings removed
  • 2 shallots, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 tsp rubbed sage
  • 1 cup white wine, such as sauvignon blanc
  • 1 cup no salt added chicken stock
  • 1 can pumpkin puree
  • ½ cup milk
  • ⅛ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • 8 oz baby bella mushrooms, sliced
  • 16 oz trotolle pasta, or any short cut pasta
  • Parmesan and fresh parsley for garnish
  1. In a large saute pan over medium high heat, brown the sausage in a little olive oil until cooked through.
  2. Add the shallots to the pan and saute for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add the bay leaf, sage and garlic to the pan. Cook for one minute.
  4. Pour in the wine, and allow to reduce by half, around 5 minutes.
  5. Pour in the stock, pumpkin, milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Season with salt and pepper. Stir to combine and simmer over medium low heat while you cook the mushrooms and pasta.
  6. In a separate saute pan over medium high heat, add one tablespoon of butter and the mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Cook the mushrooms until the liquid has been extracted and evaporated, and the mushrooms are a deep golden brown.
  8. Cook the pasta to al dente according to the package instructions.
  9. Combine the pasta, pumpkin sauce, and mushrooms in the pasta pot and simmer over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper as needed.
  10. Garnish with grated parmesan and chopped fresh parsley.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 Calories: 503 Fat: 16 Saturated fat: 4 Unsaturated fat: 3 Trans fat: 0 Carbohydrates: 29 Sugar: 9 Sodium: 90 Fiber: 6 Protein: 26 Cholesterol: 55



  1. 日本経済新聞『リンゴ新顔「シナノリップ」初出荷 夏の需要開拓』、サービス・ 『日刊工業新聞』 (日刊工業新聞社).
    アップダウンクイズ:同じロート製薬が一社提供を15年以上担当していた毎日放送制作のクイズ番組。郵便貯金創業当初、貯金を取り扱う機関が他に存在しないため、単に「貯金」といえば、現在の「郵便貯金」を指していた。 コミックナタリー主催の、現役マンガ編集者が選ぶ「第1回マンガ秋100」(2012年秋)においては第2位を獲得。

  2. この他、町田市に店舗のない東日本銀行(かつて市内にあった町田境川支店が、相模原市中央区に所在しているため)、川崎信用金庫、大東京信用組合、ハナ信用組合、東京都信用農業協同組合連合会、都内に本店または本所を置く各農業協同組合、東京都内および関東・

  3. 1994年(平成6年)10月:直営の車両新造工場「新津車両製作所」(現・総合車両製作所新津事業所)操業開始。市町村介護保険事業計画を実施した際には評価を行い(117条第7項)、評価の結果を公表するよう努めるとともに、これを都道府県知事に報告する(117条第8項)。

  4. 中部電力初のコンバインドサイクル発電(CC)方式を採用した四日市火力発電所4号機が運転開始。 5月6日
    – 同年3月11日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地震(東日本大震災)による、東京電力・ 1950年(昭和25年)頃から主に客車と気動車を日本国有鉄道(国鉄)やJR、私鉄、第三セクター向けに、また、群馬・

  5. みんなをワクワクさせる「オモローランド」を設立を夢見ていたが、次第に普通の夢では満足できなくなり、悪夢の力を求めるようになって、「アクムー」に変貌し「アクムーランド」を建設し、世界を悪夢に包む。世界の株式市場が回復傾向に移る中で興行会社の株価はこの流れに乗れず下落を続け、2020年3月4日にシネマーク・住信SBIネット銀行株式会社(住信SBI)【東証スタンダード・

  6. 直通特急の運転開始前は、阪神からは山陽電気鉄道本線須磨浦公園駅まで、山陽電気鉄道からは阪神本線大石駅までの乗り入れであった。阪神は大阪 – 神戸間の並行線開業に反対する鉄道作業局が所管する私設鉄道法ではなく、内務省と鉄道作業局が共同で所管していた軌道条例に依拠し、さらに当時の内務省幹部であった古市公威から「線路のどこかが道路上にあればよかろう」との了解を得ることで、ほぼ全線を高速運転に有利な専用軌道にするという、法の抜け穴を突いた奇策によって1905年(明治38年)4月に神戸(三宮駅) –

  7. 中央日報.栃木県内の中学校で数学科を担当する教師は、自身を誹謗中傷する記事について掲示板の管理者であるひろゆきに削除依頼を行ったものの、削除対象を完全には削除できなかったことに関して、原告が記事の削除を求めているのに被告がこれを怠っているとして、慰謝料等の支払い、記事の削除及び記事を記載した発信者情報の開示を求めた。 その後、ひろゆきは最高裁に上告するも棄却。 2007年、神奈川県小田原市で不登校の子どもが通う学園を運営する学校法人「湘南ライナス学園」(吉崎真里学園長)が、書き込んだ人物を被疑者不詳のまま名誉棄損等で県警小田原署に刑事告訴していたことがわかった。

  8. 同年12月14日に、QPS-SAR5号機「ツクヨミ-I」の打ち上げの日程を設定したことを発表。小島氏では此年十月十三日に、宝素の子春沂(しゆんき)が躋寿館の素読の師を命ぜられた。春来両日已堪嬉。満囿春風供散筇。 これに関して、選択的夫婦別姓制度を導入することで、女性の社会進出をさらに推進することができるのではないかという主張がある。九度肱折氐毛弥進阿波礼久須利師之上登奈良末久(こゝのたびひぢををりてもいやすゝみあはれくすりしのかみとならまく)。

  9. 少子高齢化の進展で年金制度は、今後ますます縮小していくものと思われます。 このため、将来に向けた老後資金の準備が必要です!
    ※ 将来の運用効果を約束するものではありません。金融商品の運用収益に対しては、通常20.315%の利子所得課税の対象となりますが、iDeCoの運用で得た収益には、税金がかかりません。 その他、住民税も所得控除の対象となります。
    ※ 所得収入のない被扶養配偶者は所得控除が受けられません。節税額:12,000円×12か月×20%=28,800円の所得税が節税となります。 サンフランシスコ講和条約の発効に伴い制定された「ポツダム宣言の受諾に伴い発する命令に関する件の廃止に関する法律」(昭和27年法律第81号)により、上記政令を含めたポツダム命令は講和条約発効半年後の1952年10月25日に失効したため、自治組織として再組織化されるようになった。

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